Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Batteries for Home Energy Storage

Sun shines the whole day but doesn’t come out at night. However, we need it both during the day and at night. As solar energy has become necessary in the energy fields, users must consider advanced methods such as solar storage.


Solar batteries play an extensive role in managing energy. The backup supply with the solar batteries has been a crucial scene.


But there is a question. Are solar batteries worth their investment and last longer? Today, we will dive into solar energy systems and assess the pros and cons of solar batteries.


What are solar batteries?


Solar batteries are the devices that store solar energy and provide it when needed. They are connected through systems. Some operate directly with the solar panels in the DC-coupled systems. In the AC-coupled system, batteries are linked to the inverters where the energy transformation and storage occur.


So, make a guess here. What type of power solar batteries store, AC or DC? It is the DC power that is part of the solar batteries.


How do solar batteries work?

Before understanding the solar battery mechanism, think about the whole storage chain. A complete solar system can comprise the following tools.

  • Solar panels
  • Batteries
  • Solar inverters


Now, keep your eyes on solar battery storage. 


Energy generation 


Energy generation occurs with solar panels. They trap the sunlight and transform the solar energy into DC power.


Energy Storage 

Once the DC power is generated, there are two routes.

  • Energy storage is done directly through solar batteries.
  • Energy conversion from DC to AC and appliance operations.


Energy Discharge 


If there is no sun, solar batteries provide a backup supply. The stored DC power is converted into AC power and fed to the devices.


Battery Storage System

Battery storage systems are essential for energy monitoring and usage. It helps better understand the overall energy consumption and monitor the charging and discharging of the batteries.


Types of solar batteries 


Have you understood solar batteries very well? They come in different types and storage systems. 


However, we will shed light on the two fundamental types of batteries that are being used excessively in today’s systems.


  • Lithium Ion Batteries 


Lithium-ion batteries feature advanced technology for operational usage and storage systems. They are popular and have the following features:

  • They store more energy in the system and help feed more efficiently.
  • Their energy is available for usage with an efficiency of 90-95%.
  • If you are wondering about the life of lithium-ion batteries, forget the hassles. They last 10-15 years with adequate maintenance.


  • Lead Acid Batteries 


Lead acid batteries are the powerhouses of the systems. They offer the best energy production centers but at older systems.

Some key features of the lead acid batteries include:

  • Lead acid batteries are less costly compared to lithium-ion batteries.
  • The users entirely understand the older technology and help manage the energy efficiently.
  • Some lead acid Batteries require little to no maintenance at all.


6 Advantages of solar batteries 


Solar Batteries are a perfect addition to your home systems. Their extensive usage and efficient energy storage are an ideal route to a stable energy supply.

Here are some key benefits of solar batteries.


  • Energy independence 


Suppose you need the energy supply for 24 hours. What system do you deploy? The use of electrical supply in traditional systems can cause load shedding. 

In the case of the solar system, you are free of tension for the energy. Wondering how? It is simple. Solar panels show off their magic during the daytime and produce power.


The integrated batteries store that energy into the system. When the sun is away, batteries supply the power to your AC, fridge, or other home appliances.


The results?


You don’t remain concerned about the energy and be happy with the energy supply 24/7.


  • Reduced Bills


Solar energy production occurs through the solar system and includes the investment in:

  • Solar panels
  • Batteries
  • Solar inverters


Guess what? All these tools remain with you for 10-15 years. That means it is a one-time investment for the users.


What is the benefit? You drive energy through the sun, a 100% free resource. Therefore, home energy bills drop down with your efforts. Many homeowners have slashed their energy bills with the deployment of solar energy. You can do the same and grab energy independence and reduced energy bills.


  • Increased Efficiency 


If you are experiencing reduced efficiency, let it be out of your home. Solar panels are pretty efficient in energy generation. Once you have used some energy, the remaining ones get out of the system wastefully.


In the case of solar batteries, such energy losses don’t happen at all. If the solar panel generates more energy due to the sun’s high brightness, it sends the excessive power to the batteries.


Instead of wasting batteries, store energy and make it sound at nighttime. Sometimes, power outages can also assist in efficiency management.

Proper energy generation and usage streamlines the flow of power through the system. Therefore, the efficiency of the solar system pumps up effectively.


  • Environmental Impact


Are you an eco-lover? Indeed, you won’t enter yourself into the energy production methods that are toxic to the environment.


Isn’t that so? The good news lies with the environmental impact of solar batteries.


Sunlight is 100% natural and freely available to everyone. There is no harm done to the environment. Guess what? It is a 100% renewable resource too.


Solar batteries convert from fossil fuels to cleaner and green energy. No carbon footprints are a further savior of your energy system, and keep up with the cleaner power generation. Therefore, users with renewable energy resources can grab the energy for decades without relying on and hurting the environment overall.


  • Backup Power Supply


Power outages are the most common scenarios nowadays. Especially if there is a rainy season and the electrical supply goes off. Sometimes, the internal home system also causes power outages.


Can you fight all the power outages? There is a free and easy solution. Deploy the solar batteries and keep the backup supply handy.


Whenever there is a power outage, solar batteries automatically sense the system. They release the energy into your system and let the solar inverters transform it into AC for appliances. Such a backup supply is a savior for you in hard times and goes on generating energy for an unlimited period.


  • Off-grid usage capabilities


There are two cases at this point.


  • Utility Grid. If you already have the utility grid, your solar batteries can work with that. Once the power generation is high, the utility grid provides excessive power to the grid.
  • Off-grid system. Suppose you don’t have a grid system. What is the next option available to you? Don’t fret; solar batteries work without the grid system. You can directly store the power from the panels to the batteries. Even the power consumption occurs directly without any intermediate resource.


Off-grid usage capabilities of the solar batteries make them useful in our daily lives. If you have a home in a distant location, batteries perfectly serve you in such cases.


3 Disadvantages of solar batteries


Solar batteries are not the ultimate resource for energy. On the one hand, don’t fall into the deluding benefits. Instead, keep an eye on the disadvantages of solar batteries.

These include:


  • High cost


Are you ready to deploy the solar batteries in your system? Warm up your pockets. It isn’t coming at a lower cost. You need a higher upfront cost to deploy the whole solar system. That is the reason why most people abandon deploying solar systems.

Covering the overall invested costs also takes much more time.


  • Complex installation processes


Making a perfect place and diving into tons of solar battery options can bamboozle you totally. The only good solution is that you must hire experts.

They also need the cost of their services. Therefore, you must consider the complex installation processes for the whole solar system.


  • Safety Concerns 


If you are using the lead-acid batteries, beware. Explosions can occur due to excessive discharging. Moreover, the excessive energy usage can drain the whole power and cause damage to your equipment too.

Such safety concerns must be in mind when using the solar systems. Try to move to the safer solutions and bring in the quality system for your usage. 



Solar batteries can be beneficial for home storage and might meet the energy. From turning on heavy home appliances to simple tools, solar batteries feature the best energy facility.

Need the top supplier for your battery storage system?

Lux PowerTek can be your stop for the outclass batteries and extensive solar solutions including the inverters. Our 20+ years of experience is a marvel in itself. Plus, our flawless solar solutions feed a new life to the consumers. Check out the best tools now!


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