Luxpowertek Company Culture Exchange

Time: 2022.8.1
Location: Shenzhen, China
Dean Fu Xianping and Professor Liu Cambridge from the School of Information Science and Technology of Dalian Maritime University visited LUXPOWER in Shenzhen to visit the postgraduate students working in our company, and had in-depth and friendly communication with LUXPOWER General Manager James Wang and R&D Director Robert , successfully reached the signing of the postgraduate training base between Dalian Maritime University and LUXPOWERTEK.


Dalian Maritime University (formerly Dalian Maritime University) is a national key university affiliated to the Ministry of Transport, a key university in China’s “211 Project” and a national “double first-class” university; LUXPOWER is a national high-tech enterprise with advanced technology and talents It is a training platform and has a certain influence in the energy storage industry. The signing of the two parties has provided a strong backup force for LUXPOWER’s highly educated talent reserve business, which has injected vitality into the enterprise.

Colleagues are also graduate students of Dalian Maritime University. Provides a high-quality internship and employment platform. Based on the development concept of joint cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win, both parties work together to make the students who come to our company for internship and employment have a higher and better development space, and also make LUXPOWER continue to accumulate talents and make steady progress.

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