If the cost of electricity in your area is rising or expensive, or if you live in an area where power outages are common. Then a hybrid inverter is a good investment. And hybrid inverter power generation is more environmentally friendly than conventional power generation. However, the price of a complete solar system is not low. And the inverter is the brain of the whole system, which is very important.
So we have to choose the right location to install the inverter and connect it to the grid and the solar panels. It sounds simple, but if you don’t have experience installing an inverter or don’t have a basic understanding of electricity, this may not be so simple either.
The process of installing a solar hybrid inverter
Advantages and disadvantages of hybrid inverters
There are definitely some benefits to hybrid inverters, but some drawbacks are also. Here are some of the pros and cons of hybrid inverters that you should consider.
Advantages of hybrid inverters
1. No impact from power outages
When there is a power outage, having a solar power system does not guarantee that you will have power. However, if your system uses a traditional solar grid-tied inverter, it will shut off power to the solar panel system for safety reasons during a power outage.
In this case, a hybrid inverter combined with a solar cell storage system is an excellent choice. It provides both off-grid and grid-tied capability, ensuring that you always have electricity, even during a power outage.
2.Expanding battery storage
A comprehensive solar system can be quite costly, especially when energy storage is added to other individual components. Hybrid inverters are built to incorporate storage at all times, allowing you to avoid the upfront expenditure of battery storage. You may then add battery banks more easily later on while still reaping the full benefits of solar energy.
3. Energy monitoring
Hybrid inverters make energy management easier. Because you may use the inverter panel or connected smart devices to verify vital data like performance and energy generation. If you have numerous inverters in your system, they must be monitored independently.
Disadvantages of hybrid inverters
1. Not suitable for upgrading systems
Suppose you’d like to add battery storage to your existing solar system. You’ll need an AC-coupled battery with its battery inverter to expand your system. Choosing a hybrid inverter may further complicate the matter, whereas a battery inverter may be more cost-effective. Because you already have grid-tied solar inverters, installing a hybrid inverter would necessitate a comprehensive and costly overhaul of your solar panel system.
2. Increased equipment costs
A hybrid inverter’s initial installation can be more expensive than a typical solar inverter. If your neighborhood experiences regular power outages and you wish to add backup batteries in the future, a hybrid inverter may be more expensive.
A traditional grid-tied system may be sufficient if your grid is reliable and has access to net metering. It may also be less expensive than a hybrid inverter with battery storage.
3. Less flexibility
Solar cell design has evolved as technology has progressed. However, not all hybrid inverters are compatible with all types of batteries. If you’re installing a hybrid inverter now and intending to add solar cells later, compatibility difficulties may limit your alternatives.
Is it possible to install a hybrid solar inverter myself?

A solar system is not very complicated does not mean that a hybrid solar inverter is also easy to install. If we don’t have some electrical knowledge, it may be risky to install a solar hybrid inverter by ourselves. In addition, the installation of a solar hybrid inverter requires professional tools and equipment.
However, if you only consider installing a solar hybrid inverter, it will be relatively easy to operate. If you also do not have solar panels installed, you also need to consider the installation location. This can make the installation process more complicated.
However, if you already have an inverter, installing a solar inverter is simple. However, you must link it to the rest of the solar system. If you don’t already have an inverter, you may need to consult a professional. This is because you may need to conduct additional wires or modify existing wiring. It is best to seek assistance in this situation.
Advantages of self-installed solar inverters

- You can save a significant amount of money. You also won’t have to waste time hunting for an expert and explaining your requirements.
- To fulfill your little demands, you can even design your solar inverter.
- If you have some skill, you may save a lot of time and money by repairing the solar inverter yourself.
- You can select panel designs and attach tools. Furthermore, doing things yourself is a fantastic way to learn. You’ll discover a wealth of information about your solar system. You’ll also get some more solar equipment expertise. This will be useful for future repairs or new product references.
Disadvantages of installing solar inverters yourself.
- Installing solar panels on a huge infrastructure necessitates a higher level of technical expertise. It could take a long time to fix it properly. There could be some issues with the installation, requiring continual maintenance of the solar hybrid inverter in the future.
- Individually repairing solar panels is inefficient. This is because lifting the panels to the top and assembling them into your home’s electrical system demands teamwork.
- Furthermore, specific tools are required to correctly repair a 3 phase hybrid inverter in order to avoid dangers. You can buy these tools, but you must also learn how to utilize a three-phase hybrid inverter effectively. Each of these instruments is accompanied by a set of safety guidelines.
- There are also certain safety precautions to take before installing a solar inverter. If you have no prior experience, you must read the handbook completely.
How much does it cost to install a best hybrid solar inverter?
The price of a growatt hybrid inverter will vary depending on the features of the product and the model. It depends on the brand and the reliability it offers you. If you buy an outdated growatt hybrid inverter, it will cost significantly less. If you believe in a seasonal new product, you may have to pay more. In addition, it depends on your home’s grid-tied and off-grid architecture.
The average cost of installing a solar hybrid inverter is about $15,000.
The following factors affect the price of a solar hybrid inverter installation.
- Size of the solar hybrid inverter
- Whether there are obstacles to be removed when installing the best hybrid solar inverter
- And the type of material you choose.
- What the installer pays.
- Tax credits for the best hybrid solar inverter
A medium-sized building’s installation expenses range from $1,000 to $1,500. Furthermore, the cost rises with the size of your building construction. A grid-connected system might cost anywhere from $11,000 to $14,000. Almost majority of these systems are priced between $2.57 and $3.14 per watt.
Installing a top hybrid solar inverter for a complete house costs between $10,626 and $26,460 for a 6 KW to 12 KW system. Furthermore, the typical lifetime of solar energy is around 15 years.
Where should I install the solar hybrid inverter?
Before you begin installing the solar inverter, you must first determine the best installation location. The location of the 48v hybrid inverter should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Direct sunlight will cause the equipment to overheat, reducing the solar inverter’s lifespan.
Furthermore, for long-term operation of the inverter, ensure sure there is adequate ventilation surrounding the hybrid inverter. This is due to the fact that some of the less expensive hybrid charger inverters lack fluid cooling. If the ambient air is not circulated, the hybrid inverter will operate at a high temperature, reducing its service life.
To minimize damage to the internal parts, the hybrid charger inverter should be positioned in a location away from damp areas. Furthermore, ensure that there is sufficient space between the hybrid inverter and the floor. The distance between the hybrid inverter and the floor should be at least 50 cm. The distance between the inverter and the ceiling must remain constant.