How do You Connect 12V Batteries to Make a 24V Battery?



Nowadays, there is a rise in solar energy. The different battery types empower this system by storing excessive energy and generating more cost-saving options. Since energy storage is a prime subject, you must have compatible solutions.


The batteries must be compatible with the equipment and tools. Suppose you own a system that works more on the 24V. How can you operate it on the 12V batteries? Doesn’t it seem a concern? However, you don’t have to worry at all. 


We have added tips and tricks with a step-by-step guide on connecting the batteries and making the 24V battery system.


Why should you connect the 12V batteries to make 24V?


A 12V battery is not a shameful option. Then why are you moving to the 24V battery solution? Is there any reason?


There are many reasons for doing so. For example:


Increased Power Efficiency 


High voltage means higher efficiency. It is because of minimal loss of power. Therefore, the system’s increased efficiency allows users to move from 12V batteries to 24V batteries. It leads to effective solutions and a better approach.


Compatibility with 24V equipment 


Suppose you have a pair of 12V batteries instead of a single 24V battery. But the irony is that your system needs 24V batteries. So, how will you cope with this hard nut? Simple. Go with the system’s series connection and enjoy flawless compatibility.


Better performance 


A higher voltage is famous for its decreased heat buildup. It is because of decreased current flow for the same power output. Therefore, a 24V powered system performs better than a 12V system.




First, a single 24V battery is more expensive than two 12V batteries. Moreover, if you have two 12V batteries, it becomes more flexible to join them and create a single magical 24V battery. It makes the 24V batteries a more flexible and cost-saving option.


Tools and materials required to transform the 12V batteries into 24V


Remember, a series connection of batteries is different from a parallel one. Moreover, it is necessary to understand the difference because of the risks and perks associated with both connection methods.


When you have the 12V batteries, it is time to know what other tools you need.


Materials required


The most common materials required for the connections include:


  • Two identical 12V batteries (same type, capacity, and brand recommended)
  • Battery cables (thick enough for your power requirements)
  • Battery terminals and connectors


Tools required 


There are a few tools required.

  • Wrench or pliers (for tightening battery terminals)
  • Multimeter (to check voltage before and after connection)
  • Insulated gloves (for safety)
  • Electrical tape or heat shrink tubing (for insulation)


Step-by-step Instructions to make 12V batteries into 24V


Are you ready to make your attempt at the connection? No worries. It is simple and efficient. We have created the steps to understand it.


Step 1: Place the battery in a safe position 


Check your batteries and ensure they are in good condition. Choose a non-conductive surface, leading to easy and safe connections without risking your life.


Step 2: Identify terminals


There are two terminals of the batteries.

  • A positive terminal (+, red)
  • A negative terminal (-, black)


You must identify both the batteries’ terminals. Whenever connecting the batteries, you must connect the positive terminal of one battery with the negative terminal of another.


Step 3: Connect batteries in series


When connecting the batteries in series, you have the same capacity while the voltage doubles.


Now, how can you connect the batteries in series? Take cables and link them to the positive terminal of one battery and the negative terminal of another battery.

So, two 12V batteries in series will make the 24V battery.


Step 4: Verify your connection 


Verification of the connection is the ultimate weapon for checking your connections. It tells about the connections and gives an idea of whether you have connected accurately.


Here is how you can check the readings about the multimeter.


  • Place the multimeter’s positive lead on the first battery’s positive terminal.
  • Place the negative lead on the second battery’s negative terminal.


Check the multimeter reading. Does it show 24V or not? If it does, great! You can move ahead with the further steps.


What if it doesn’t show it? Recharge your batteries and then check. Sometimes, you have to reconnect the batteries to figure out this issue.


Step 5: Connect the system to your load


Connecting batteries is not a sufficient case. You have to think one step ahead and take your devices. What do you want to run on your battery energy?


Whether it is an inverter, motor, or other power tool, identify the positive terminal of the tool and connect it with the positive terminal of the batteries. Do the same with the negative terminal connections.


Step 6: Secure and insulate connections


Safety is more crucial than anything else. What should I do for the safety of operations? It is simple.


Grab your wrench and tighten up all the connections. Are there any exposed connections? Purchase a tape and apply it all over the exposed area until there is no bare connection.


Have you secured your batteries in the battery box? Ensure there is proper ventilation in the battery box. It prevents heating.




The connection of the 12V batteries isn’t a walk in the park. You must look at the power and depend on the series or parallel connections. Moreover, compatibility concerns also exist. Always empower your solar system with the right battery power and accurate solutions.


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